Utthita Trikonasana adaptations (short videos)
1There are many ways of doing Utthita Trikonasana; the main question that we need to answer is why we choose one version over the other. The are ways to emphasize the lateral stretch of the torso, if we choose to, there are ways to focus on relieving neck tension and increasing the range of motion in the shoulder. Some versions of the pose are safer for unstable SI joints and others are a bit riskier. Today we feature 8 short videos that show you how to adapt Utthita Trikonasana based on your intention.
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Desiree Rumbaugh showed this variation. Stand in parsva hasta padasana. Cross the arms in front of upper chest, placing the palms on opposite armpits (hands straddle the front of the humorus/armpit/upper pec). Now bend to the parsva leg side with arms folded. Concentrates the movement in the hips.