Thank you for your feedback! Our plans moving forward
10Few weeks ago we asked you to give us feedback on the content of Sequence Wiz blog and got an amazing response – thank you! Your answers gave us invaluable information on how to proceed with our offerings and gave us ideas for blog posts for years to come 🙂 A big, huge thank you to all of you who participated in our survey!
We discovered that yoga posts covering anatomical details were very popular, but we were also thrilled to see that you are interested in other aspects of the yoga practice beyond the physical. Based on your requests it became clear that you are looking for more information on the specific applications of yoga, whether it’s yoga for different populations (older students, for example) or specific conditions and/or injuries, as well as using yoga for healing in general and avoiding injury while practicing yoga. We also got many requests to spend more time on yoga sequencing and tips on teaching multi-level yoga classes.
Based on your feedback here are some topics that we have planned for the future:
– Your body: the user’s manual. This series of posts will cover your body literally from head to toe focusing on specific problem areas, like knees, back, shoulders, etc. with suggestions on how to use yoga practices to help with pain and imbalance in those areas.
– Yoga for healthy aging. This series will take a detailed look at what happens in the body when it begins to age and how we can use yoga to deal with issues that show up. It will include material on chair yoga as well.
– How to design a practice for … This series will show you how to build yoga practices to prepare for specific poses, activities, conditions and so on.
– Meditation made easy. This series will show you how to integrate short simple meditations into your classes to deepen your students’ experience of their practice.
And of course, there will be plenty of posts on anatomy, physiology, the science behind yoga practices, controversial ideas, teaching tips and relevant yoga philosophy. Once again, thank you for giving us ideas and inspiration as we gear up for 2016!
Congratulations Sandy Marion
You won a private yoga session with Olga Kabel over Skype! We will contact you directly to set it up.
Learn more about private yoga sessions with Olga
Keep it up 🙂
Hi Mikael! Thanks ?
love this blog and mostly right on!!!
I refer to this blog frequently. U have a way to clarify and simplify concepts
And bring forward the how, why, & when of sequencing
Thank you Sadani!
Thank you for the update. i am an aging yogi. I do power yoga. I beg you to please not lump all people over 55 as soo old decrepit and aging that all you give us is chair yoga. Please consider that there are many seniors who practice yoga for many years who now have the legacy of strength, flexibility and who need to be honored and certainly not forgotten. No, I am NOT superwoman. I have wrinkles, age spots and I only d oheadstand by a wall, just in case. But I hold Warrior 3 for a long time. I do arm balances- not just downward dog and splits with a small block.
Hi Cathy! I completely understand your concern. I personally think that the word “senior” applies to people over 80, but there are plenty of vital and capable 80-year olds ?. And I think that chair yoga is mostly for people who can’t get down to the ground, regardless of age. So in our series for older students we will be talking about things that we need to be more aware of as we age, since many yoga teachers are worried about that. I am so happy to hear that you personally feel strong and vital, isn’t that what we all want regardless of age? ?
I guess I missed your survey, but I want to let you know how much I appreciate your blog posts and your web site. I read every issue and I save them for future reference. I often recommend your posts to other interested yogis and teachers. Thank you very much for your efforts. I think you are right on target and I hope you’ll keep writing for us, as it is a service to the entire yoga community. Sincerely, Sharon Jenson
Thank you Sharon, it’s so wonderful to hear that!
All of the upcoming topics are perfect for my teaching needs & will no doubt enhance my practice as well. My favorite part of this post were the words “……for many years to come”. I have come to rely on your wisdom & clear explanations & deeply appreciate all that you share with us. Many thanks, Olga.
Thank you Joy! ?