Check out these yoga articles
4Every day many articles are written on the subject of yoga. Here is a selection of several articles that caught my eye in the past few weeks that I think are worth checking out. Enjoy!
But I thought all yoga was therapeutic? by Beth Spindler
“My motto is “Don’t feed the pigeon,” especially if it’s a fat spacious pigeon with way too much entitlement. In other words, if the pose feels too easy, the student needs to strengthen the muscles around the joint rather than increase a passive stretch. Loosen what’s too tight, tighten what’s too loose.” Read more >
Confessions of a yoga fuddy-duddy by Bernadette Birney
I don’t practice eagle pose, or fold forward in pigeon prep. But my sacroiliac joint isn’t jacked anymore, either.
I don’t hold plank, or forearm plank, for as long as I’m physically capable; because when I stop using my target muscles—and start compensating in my habitual patterns—I feel it. I’m not on my mat to deepen my pre-existing muscular imbalances. Read more >
I had my cell phone for breakfast and it wasn’t delicious by Amanda Green
Most mornings, I have oatmeal for breakfast. I’ve probably had oatmeal 29 out of the last 30 days and I’m not tired of it at all. But while I was packing lunches and making breakfast for the girls this morning, I eyed the apricot jam on the refrigerator shelf and remembered that I bought this delicious salted butter from the grocery store yesterday. My mouth started to water and I decided I’d have toast for breakfast. Read more >
Confessions of a former Shavasana dasher by Grace Bullock
Last year I made the acquaintance of someone with whom I shared a common love of yoga and psychology. It seemed like an exciting connection, and I looked forward to many interesting conversations about how we might be able to work together. Early in our friendship, I observed that each time I told a story he responded with one of his own. No sooner did I stop talking than he would jump in. It didn’t take long to realize that he wasn’t really listening. When I commented on this he replied, “Well, isn’t that what I’m supposed to do? Respond to your story with one of my own?” Read more >
Thank you for sharing my article. I’m a fan of Sequence Wiz and repost your stuff all the time.
Solid stuff!
Hi Beth! you are very welcome; I could not NOT share your article – I think it’s fantastic! It addresses so many misconceptions about yoga. And thank you for spreading my message 🙂 It’s great to connect with you!
Wow! Insightful and important article every yoga teacher should read. (BTW, my studio is greatly reducing the number of Ashtanga classes because of injuries…30 or more forward folds, repetitive chaturangas and up dogs in the atmosphere of speed and competition of a typical “all level” class). For the unsuspecting student coupled with an eager but unseasoned instructor, harm is afoot. Thank you for your continuing excellence and courage in presenting challenging and inspiring ideas.
Thanks, Janis. Well put.
Yes, Olga does a great service with her posts. Refreshing sane perspective!