It is hard to believe that 2015 is almost over! This has been an incredible year for Sequence Wiz – huge thank you to you, our readers, for making it possible! We are incredibly grateful for your feedback on the content of our site in general and your comments on individual articles – we read and take to heart every single one of them.
2016 looks very exciting, too. In a month or two we will be introducing some major changes to the content of the site; we hope that you like them. As always, we have many interesting (and sometimes controversial) articles planned, and many more yoga practices. In 2016 we will focus on the specific application of yoga, whether it’s yoga for different populations (older students, for example) or specific body parts, conditions and/or injuries.
So today we are saying farewell to 2015 with a look back at some of the most popular articles (in case you missed some 🙂 )
Happy New Year and we will see you in 2016!
How to do yoga poses
The most important attribute of any pose is the position of the spine. Once you understand the movement of the spine in yoga poses, you will know how to choose an appropriate pose, how to teach it and how to adapt it to a specific student.
How to bend forward without stressing the spine
How to avoid overstretching in forward bends
Twists vs forward bends as compensation postures – who wins?
Should we take the body to the maximum bend possible in every direction possible?
Avoid common pitfalls while bending sideways
Controversial Utthita Trikonasana: is it necessary to lengthen both sides of the torso?
Core players: The muscles that move your trunk and how to work them
Corset vs pelvic tilt: to tuck or not to tuck the tailbone under
Four steps to minimize the stress placed on the intervertebral disks
Myths about benefits of yoga poses – how much truth is there?
Yoga teachers and yoga publications make all sorts of claims about benefits of yoga poses. Which ones are true? Let’s investigate those claims.
How does yoga help with digestion?
The brain in your gut and its impact on your mood and behavior
Vagus nerve
Vital Vagus: What is the vagus nerve and what does it do?
How can we stimulate the vagus nerve in our yoga practice?
Most popular practices
As we add more and more practice videos to the site, it might become difficult to find the one that you are looking for. Check out our Body Map for Yoga Practices – an image that shows links to all the practices we have. A little pop up window will show you the name of the practice and its length. Click on the window and you will be taken to the practice page. We hope this helps you find the practice that you are looking for much faster!
Sacroiliac joint pain can show up for all kinds of reasons, but imbalance in the position of the pelvis is the most common. Try this yoga practice to help restore that balance.
Nurse your hamstrings back to health
A literal “pain in the butt” (injury to the hamstring tendon) is a common yoga injury. How can we use yoga for hamstring pain without re-injuring the area?
Yoga practice for core strength
Ultimately core strength is not about individual muscle development, but about all the parts working in unison to create stability and integration for whatever daily tasks you want to do. Here is how you can get there.
Practice tips
Is it safe to begin your yoga practice with seated poses?
Are seated poses less challenging then the standing ones? Nope, when it comes to safety of your joints. Which poses work the best as “opening poses”?
How to take your yoga practice to the next level
Try these 5 simple things to take your existing yoga practice to a completely different level of meaning and awareness.
Yoga’s secret ingredient for the busy mind
Teaching Tips
6 sure ways to ruin your relationships with your yoga students
Observation is important in yoga, but we need to know HOW to do it – done incorrectly, it can ruin your relationship with your yoga students. Here is why.
What kind of message are you sending your students with your yoga adjustments?
We’ve all heard horror stories of yoga adjustments gone bad – students get hurt, feel violated, etc. Do we even need to adjust?
How to keep your teaching fresh and inspired
If you are bored when you teach your yoga classes, your students will be bored, too. Here is a list of 7 ways to keep your yoga inspiration flowing.
Dear Olga! Thank you for all that you do! I always count you as one of my favourite yoga teachers, though I never really met you in person or practice with you! But your wisdom is inspiring, your tips clear & clean and your style of writing just amazing! Thank you! xoxo
Thank you Sandra, I really appreciate it! I love your enthusiasm and upbeat attitude; you are like a ray of sunshine every time I see your comment or a post on Instagram! 🙂