Do you experience butt discomfort or tension in your hips?
2Five years ago I wrote a blog post about different types of butt pain with specific details on how to identify potential reasons for discomfort and what to do about them. That post had been brewing in my mind for a long time since many of my students had experienced butt/hip pain at one point or another. I wanted to help others understand it better and give them pointers on how to deal with it. I had no idea that it would become so popular – literally hundreds of people have been viewing that post every day for the past five years in their search for relief from butt and hip discomfort.
My sister, who also experienced hip pain in the past, kept urging me to create a whole series of classes that would target all the main problem areas that can lead to butt and hip discomfort, but I’ve been fighting her tooth and nail. “Yoga is so much more than butt pain relief!” I would tell her. “I do not want to be known as “that butt pain lady”!” “But imagine how many people it would help!” – she told me. That back-and-forth discussion went on for years until I had my own experience with sciatic flare up and discovered that there is so much more to butt pain than meets the eye. When your butt and/or hips are hurting, you cannot walk comfortably, cannot sleep, cannot sit, cannot stand, which takes a huge toll on your body, your quality of life and your mental state. Simply put, it causes physical and mental suffering. Yet, according to the Yoga Sutras, “Unnecessary suffering must be avoided.” And while some hip/butt issues are due to degenerative changes or injury, a lot of times those problems arise simply from hip underuse, overuse or abuse. By working with our hips strategically and consistently we can both reduce the symptoms of discomfort and prevent a lot of problems from happening in the first place. In short, we can relieve that unnecessary suffering – and what’s more yogic than that!
So today I am happy to present a brand-new series Yoga for Hip Tension and Butt Discomfort that aims to relieve chronic contraction and increase stability in the musculature that supports the hips. It works with relationships between different muscles rather than one particular area, and also introduces some foundational yogic ideas like connecting breath and movement, differentiating between pain and sensation, moving from the center out to the periphery, and so on. The practices in this series gradually build on top of one another starting with very simple movements that are accessible to most students, and progressing toward a final full balanced yoga practice for the hips that is a bit more challenging. The length of practices also gradually increases from 20 to 60 minutes. This series consists of an entirely new content that I haven’t published before.
This Yoga Series for Butt Discomfort and Hip Tension is for you if you:
1. Experience a nagging discomfort in the middle, on the side, or at the bottom of your buttock;
2. Sit or drive a lot and do other recurring activities that leave your hips achy and stiff;
3. Want to keep your hips strong and balanced by working with all the muscles that support the hip joints methodically and systematically;
4. Want to get more ideas on how to work with the hips in your yoga classes and private sessions in a way that’s accessible to most students.
In this series you will get six video practices with printouts of all practice sequences plus a short bonus practice. My sister and myself can both attest to the effectiveness of this series since doing those practices as we were preparing them for you made our hips stable and happy. Here is a quick overview of the series.
Yoga Series for Butt Discomfort and Hip Tension is now available for $95. You can purchase it here. After purchasing, you can watch those practices online or on your Sequence Wiz Home Yoga Practice app (please update the app on your Apple device to version 1.3 to be able to view the series. Updated Android version is coming soon!)
Remember, “unnecessary suffering must be avoided”! And I hope that this series will help.
Just FYI– true hip joint pain often presents as pain in the groin, i.e. anteriorly. That is probably well worth knowing as you discuss posterior hip pain, causes and treatment. I believe that posterior pain is usually radicular in nature.
I’m in, Olga. Hips is definitely “my” spot & strengthening is just what mine (& my students’) need. Glad you listened to your sister. Thank you for all you do!