Are you up for a challenge? Strong yoga practice for hips and hamstrings
4Whenever you decide to work with your hips, it is not enough to simply stretch them. Since your hips are the weight-bearing joints in the body, first and foremost you need to make sure that they are stable and balanced. This means that we are striving toward balanced muscle development from front to back, right to left, inner to outer, and so in. That is why any balanced yoga practice for the hips will include hip flexion and extension, adduction and abduction, internal and external rotation. It addition, changing the body’s position in relation to gravity while doing those movements will strengthen slightly different areas.
The yoga practice below includes all of those movements and invites you to go deeper in stages. The practice gradually builds toward Upavista Konasana and ensures that both your hips and your hamstrings are ready for it. It is a pretty strong practice that includes fairly long holds in some challenging poses. If your hips are feeling vulnerable right now, it is best to skip that one and instead explore our Yoga Series for Hip Tension and Butt Discomfort that strengthens and releases tension in your hips much more gradually. But if your hips are up for a challenge, give this practice a try and let me know how it feels!
Join Sequence Wiz to get this sequence and customize it to your liking. Choose your poses, enter the instructions and you are done! See it in action >
This practice has been added to Sequence Wiz home yoga practice app. You can find it under Physical body > Hips > 40-60 minutes. Learn more about the app >
Do you experience butt discomfort or tension in your hips? While some hip/butt issues are due to degenerative changes or injury, a lot of times those problems arise simply from hip underuse, overuse or abuse. By working with our hips strategically and consistently we can both reduce the symptoms of discomfort and prevent a lot of problems from happening in the first place. Check out this brand new Yoga Series for Hip Tension and Butt Discomfort >
Hi Olga,
I cannot find the mobile app on google play. is is only on Apple?
Excellent class! Whoa those lunges were tougher than they looked!
Excellent thank you for all the knowledge and clear instructions with reasons.
thank you for this practice