Fill your heart with light yoga practice
3One of my favorite movies to this day is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This remarkable film explores some fascinating themes, including the nature of love and role of memories in forming our identities. It also features an amazing soundtrack that I like to play in my car whenever I am feeling blue (or too superficial 🙂 ) One of the songs from the soundtrack makes a frequent appearance in my home yoga practice, because it reliably pulls me out of brooding and restores my good mood. The song is called Light and Day by The Polyphonic Spree, and the line that I end up using often in my practice is “Follow the day and reach for the sun!” (it is usually played in my head to the tune of the original song).
This song was the inspiration for the short yoga practice below. This practice is meant to be useful any time you feel guarded or timid. It will energize your body, help you breathe deeper and encourage you to be a bit more open and courageous. I was not able to use the line from the original song in the video for copyright reasons, but you can mentally play it in your mind as you move through the practice. I hope that your world looks a little brighter by the end of this practice!
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This practice has been added to Sequence Wiz home yoga practice app. You can find it under Energy > Stressed > 20-40 minutes. Learn more about the app >
Hi Olga,
Your video was very effective. Thanks for preparing and sharing.
I practiced this for the first time, when I lifted my arms for the last time, my arms felt really light, I felt free and easy and my heart actually felt lighter. Definitely going to practice this a few times more and see how much lighter my heart feels. Thank you olga
I used om mani padme hum through out (6 second inhale/exhale) inspired by your 8-19-20 article – What is your optimal breathing rate and why it matters..beautiful outcome. thank you olga.