Happy body and mind at work: Chair yoga practice
1Over the past weekend I felt like the seasons clicked – the summer is now over and fall is upon us. For many of us this means going back to our usual routines, which often involve a lot of sitting. To support your transition from more active summer toward more sedentary seasons, I put together a short yoga practice that you can do as a movement break during your work day.
We are all aware of how negatively sitting impacts our bodies, causing not just physical tension, but also affecting our physiology and mood. Movement is the perfect antidote to all of that. Try this short yoga practice to loosen up all the key areas that get tight from computer/desk work: neck, back, hips and wrists. It also helps to lubricate your joints, gets your lymph moving and encourages deeper breathing. It helps you manage your energy and open your mind toward more creative solutions. Give it a try and let me know how it feels!
Join Sequence Wiz to get this sequence and customize it to your liking. Choose your poses, enter the instructions and you are done! See it in action >
This practice has been added to Sequence Wiz home yoga practice app. You can find it under Chair practices > 20-40 minutes. Learn more about the app >
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