Join our new community to connect with like-minded professionals
4Three years ago, I read about a new start-up called Quilt that organized and facilitated small-group conversations out of women’s homes. Generally, I’m not too fond of formal networking events, but the whole idea of getting together with like-minded people and having engaging conversations on specific topics while drinking tea was very appealing to me. I promptly signed up for the community, but unfortunately, it never fully expanded into Portland, OR, where I live. The pandemic put a stop to those gatherings, and since then, the company has transitioned into a social media network.
Once that idea about specialized community spaces was planted in my head, however, I had a really hard time letting it go. I tried to get a similar effect from a book club, and it worked in some ways. But I still craved more focused conversations about teaching yoga, working with students, and all aspects of running a yoga business. The past two years have not been particularly friendly toward community-building in-person, but it seems that online communities have been thriving. Personally, I haven’t found an online community that would meet my specific needs, but I did set up my life in a way that keeps me connected to other like-minded people. I find that doing it in five very specific ways helps enrich my life and support my teaching:
- Collaborating with other teachers on mutually interesting projects. Seeing other yoga therapists reflect on the topics that are near and dear to my heart from an entirely different angle is thrilling and educational to me. For example, I asked a fellow yoga therapist to write a series of blog posts about working with anxiety in her yoga practice. The aspects that she chose to explore never occurred to me, which is so exciting!
- Sharing thoughts about my yoga therapy work and challenges I come across with a peer. It doesn’t matter how much experience we have working with students; we all have habits and blind spots. Setting aside regular time to speak to someone equally experienced and brainstorm whatever issues come up for each of us is a great relief and comfort.
- Mentoring other teachers. I love helping other yoga teachers and therapists who are just starting their teaching journey or need an extra pair of eyes and ears to overcome specific challenges. While we focus on their teaching and their journey, it’s a learning experience for both of us.
- Receiving coaching to develop a bigger picture of my life vision. There is always so much to be done each day to keep all the projects going that it can be hard to set aside time to look at the bigger picture and reevaluate my priorities. Why am I doing all this work in the first place? What kind of life do I want to live? What makes me feel fulfilled and inspired? It’s easy to lose track of that in the flood of daily tasks, but losing sight of our destination can make us adrift.
- Having weekly calls to discuss the current and future state of my business. It is incredibly useful to have regular calls or meetings with somebody who is either invested in your business or is dealing with similar challenges in their own. It helps to talk things out with someone who listens and understands, to have a sounding board for your new ideas, someone who can support you or point out the hidden hurdles that you haven’t thought of.
Do you have any of these elements in your life? Do you have people to collaborate with, share with, mentor, get mentored, and bounce off ideas? In my latest questionnaire that some of you filled out several months ago, I asked whether you, my readers, have that kind of community. Most of you said no, and many expressed an interest in finding one. Well, you know me – if I can’t find something, I set out to create it. And now, I am thrilled to invite you to the newly released Sequence Wiz community!
Join our community to share your expertise, connect with like-minded professionals, and stay inspired. Surrounding yourself with smart, professional, and intuitive people who are actively building their own lives and yoga teaching practices will help you stay
- Connected to yourself and others
- Supported in whatever ventures you attempt
- Inspired with new ideas and projects
- Aware of where you are and where you are going
- Purposeful in the choices you make
- Confident in your skills.
In the Sequence Wiz community, you will be able to:
- Tell us a little about yourself in Profile to find teachers with similar interests
- Share the experiences you’ve acquired while teaching yoga in Discussion Groups
- Learn from many excellent teachers and therapists offering their insights and talents
- Connect to other teachers virtually to discuss specific topics in Online Events.
You will also be able to ask questions, connect to other practitioners, find a mentor, and offer your mentorship to others. Check out this short video to get an idea of what it looks like and what is included.
This community is not associated with any other social media platform, but it is open to current Sequence Wiz members only. The private nature of the community will enable us to moderate it better, build stronger connections, and keep all your information private. We do not share your information with anyone for any reason. You can access the community right now with your Sequence Wiz account. You can also go to the community at any time from your Dashboard.
Let’s grow together and inspire one another. Let’s connect!
Learn more about Sequence Wiz subscriptions:
PRO: Student Management System for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists >
PRIME: Yoga Sequence Builder >
Start your free 14-day trial today!
I think your new community sounds like a wonderful idea and I am keen to join.
Thank you Claire! I hope to see you there 🙂
Your work is exquisite! Thank you!
Thank you so much, Deborah!