What direction do you set for yourself in 2024?
10This holiday season, I was finally ready to host a party. We scheduled it for December 30 and called it a Lantern party to make it a bit more special. Each of the attendees, adults and kids, was invited to decorate a lantern, and then we had a lantern lighting ceremony. As we turned on our candles, I asked our guests to think of one word to describe their direction for 2024, something they would like to bring into their lives. This invitation seemed to resonate with all the guests, young and old, as they carefully reflected on what they would like their next year to be like. Then we hung our lit lanterns on our patio and cheered with a New Year’s toast.
I didn’t realize there was an actual term for this word selection at the beginning of the year. It is called a nudge word, and it is rather different than a New Year’s resolution. A nudge word is more of an inspiration, a general flavor you want your year to have. Last year, my nudge word was “Connect,” and every day, I asked myself: What have I done today to connect? The cumulative effect of that was incredible; I feel like I have connected with more people and experienced a deeper connection with myself last year than ever before.
What kind of nudge word would you choose for yourself this year? If you have trouble figuring it out, you can use a handy tool in this Washington Post article. Or you can just do your yoga practice holding that question in your mind, and the answer will reveal itself in the end 🙂
Please feel free to share your nudge words below if you wish. And let’s try to manifest our words in one way or another every day of 2024!
Sounds like a beautiful time with friends and family. Just here to say hello and to let you know I still think about you and our early days learning yoga together.
Anyway, I’m still trying to commit to my nudge word or phrase for 2024. Adventurous might be the closest one. LOL!
Many blessings to you and your family in 2024. XO
Hi, Kimmie, long time no see! It’s so wonderful to hear from you. I hope you had a lovely holiday season, and let’s find time to hang out soon!
Thanks for sharing this. It is very helpful.
I wonder that if the nudge word can be two individual words? Or should I choose the one that most rasonating me? Thank you!
Hi Melody! I believe that it’s entirely up to you. Why not both if they both seem meaningful at the moment? There might even be an interesting exploration of the connection between the two.
This is useful. Thank you!
I have been using a nudge word since 2020 — finish, change, simplify, risk.
2024’s is adapt. Life is always changing.
Hi Ann, I love those words! Come to think of it, the year always seems to have a theme, doesn’t it, even if not defined from the beginning. But I love your intentionality behind it.
My word is « forward! »
Super! Reminds me of one of my students who likes to say: “Onward and upward!” as her life-guiding principle 🙂
I have chosen “calm.” Each morning I repeat this word and think of how to bring calm into my life.
Thank you for this post and all that you do here.