Centering yoga practice for crazy times
2The theme for this yoga practice is Sutra 2.46 Sthira sukham asanam (Yoga postures should posses the qualities of stability and ease). It touches on each level of the Panchamaya model:
ANNAMAYA (physical body) – emphasis on strong asymmetrical balancing postures to develop stability and cultivate ease
PRANAMAYA (energy) – consistent breathing pace throughout the practice and Nadi Shodhana for centering
MANOMAYA (intellect) – use of chant (Sthira sukham) to regulate the breath and focus the mind
VIJNANAMAYA (personality) – “The eye of the storm” meditation to deepen the sense of stability and ease in the midst of changing circumstances
ANANDAMAYA (connection, joy) – all of the above is done for the purpose of cultivating the sense of inner stability and peace
What a great practice! Thank you so much ?
You are very welcome Ivana! Thanks for trying it out!