Why do we hold yoga poses?
I had a student many years ago who due to some psychological issues wasn’t able to keep her internal dialog to herself. So whenever she took my class, she would[…]
Here we discuss the process of designing a yoga sequence, whether it’s a class or a private session, to make it more safe and effective for the students
I had a student many years ago who due to some psychological issues wasn’t able to keep her internal dialog to herself. So whenever she took my class, she would[…]
“Raise your hand if you are busy” – my teacher Gary Kraftsow likes to prompt at his workshops. This always gets the same reaction – a short disbelieving laugh, as[…]
According to viniyoga tradition, our aging process is represented by the movement of the sun throughout the day. Sunrise represents childhood, midday represents adult life, and sunset represents old age.[…]
I signed up for a yoga class in the past titled something like Yoga for the changing seasons that promised to address the energetic and physiological changes that occur during[…]
One of my guilty pleasures used to be watching Project Runway. Intense interpersonal drama aside, it was amazing to see all those very different designers manifest their creativity through clothing.[…]
Whether we like it or not, most students come to a yoga class to relieve physical tension and get more limber. “My neck is tight today” or “I really need[…]
Not long ago an acquaintance of mine said to me: “I saw a picture of this cool pose on line and I tried it – man, my back hurt afterwards!”[…]
Did you know that shoveling snow sends about 11,000 adults and children to the hospital EACH YEAR?! (Read about the study) The most common injuries are overworked muscles and falling,[…]
That is a funny thing about a yoga practice – it doesn’t work if you don’t do it. 🙂 Yes, we are all busy and making time for a 90-minute[…]
There are many ideas out there about what a yoga practice should look like: some believe that it’s only valid if it has a spiritual component; others focus on strictly[…]
Leslie Kaminoff brings up an excellent point in his video: yoga sequencing is not the same as choreography. In choreography the goal is artistic expression and choices are dictated by[…]