Yoga practice for courage and strength
Marti, a 20-year old undergraduate, aspired to be a comedy writer. Debilitating anxiety around all forms of writing, however, led her to take a semester off of school. During this[…]
Marti, a 20-year old undergraduate, aspired to be a comedy writer. Debilitating anxiety around all forms of writing, however, led her to take a semester off of school. During this[…]
The theme for this yoga practice is Sutra 2.46 Sthira sukham asanam (Yoga postures should posses the qualities of stability and ease). It touches on each level of the Panchamaya[…]
The purpose of this short home yoga practice is to relieve chronic contraction in psoas/ iliacus muscles. It does it by contracting and gently stretching the target muscle groups.
The purpose of this practice is to alternately stretch and contract the lateral structures of the torso (obliques, QL, illiacus, TFL, IT band); to facilitate deeper breathing by stretching intercostal[…]
This yoga class is designed for seniors with the purpose of maintaining strength and agility, improving balance and developing mental focus. It uses simple balance poses in various positions (on[…]
This practice uses asana, breath awareness and directed attention to feel more limber, vital and focused. It brings the spine through the full range of motion, deepens the breath to[…]
This practice will help you relieve stress and neck tension through movement and gradual deepening of the breath. You will progress from fast to slow movement; standing backbend and extension[…]