Lazy yoga practice
Lately, I find myself juggling more projects and responsibilities than ever, which often means that I usually don’t have enough energy or brain power left to be creative and ambitious in[…]
New videos are added monthly. To see all yoga practices we have in one place go to our Body Map for Yoga Practices. Check them out and tell us what you think!
Lately, I find myself juggling more projects and responsibilities than ever, which often means that I usually don’t have enough energy or brain power left to be creative and ambitious in[…]
Over the past few weeks I find myself alternating between the states of calm confidence and barely-restrained anxiety (that usually comes after watching the news). Should I try to deal[…]
Whenever a new acquaintance learns that I am a yoga teacher, the next question they usually ask is: Where do you teach? It is widely assumed that a yoga teacher[…]
I went skiing over this winter holiday, and on the last day ended up pulling my son around in an inflatable tube. Two days later I couldn’t lift my left[…]
When I was little, I loved to fly. I loved the excitement in preparation for the trip, the view from up above, the sight of fluffy clouds, and the promise[…]
Several months ago I got in a habit of going for a short walk in the morning to clear my mind and get myself ready for the day. Those 15[…]
Over the past weekend I felt like the seasons clicked – the summer is now over and fall is upon us. For many of us this means going back to[…]
Our feet and ankles don’t get a lot of love and attention, even though we rely on them every day to keep us stable enough to support and move the[…]
One of my favorite movies to this day is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This remarkable film explores some fascinating themes, including the nature of love and role of[…]
Whenever you decide to work with your hips, it is not enough to simply stretch them. Since your hips are the weight-bearing joints in the body, first and foremost you[…]
Your yoga practice doesn’t have to be long and serious all the time. Sometimes all you need is few minutes of movement, few minutes of conscious breathing and few minutes[…]
You can do your yoga practice anywhere, but not all floor surfaces are yoga-friendly. Sometimes it is neither possible, nor desirable to lie down on the ground to do your[…]
There is an interesting and complex connection between your physiology and your emotions. We tend to think “I got angry and my blood pressure went up”, but some scientists (including[…]
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel energized and ready to start your day, or do you feel tired and depleted? Every day[…]
The beauty of short yoga practices is that you can fit them into small pockets of your day much more easily than a full-length yoga practice. This means that you[…]
Two years into WWII, the US military realized that due to extraordinarily high levels of stress and lack of sleep many of the combat pilots began to freeze up in[…]
Many years ago I used to have a remarkable student who came to my classes twice a week. He was a blind man who taught ballroom dancing. He was a[…]
When I was growing up, my mom never cared for action flicks or end-of-the-world type movies. She used to say: “I would not be the one to survive an alien[…]
When I lived in Portland, Oregon, on a clear day you could see Mt Hood from different parts of the city. I could go about my business teaching yoga, running[…]
There was a farmer whose horse ran away. That evening the neighbors gathered to commiserate with him since this was such bad luck. He said, “May be.” The next day[…]