What to ask a new client with chronic back pain
A new client reaches out to you, saying they are suffering with back pain. It has eluded their efforts to feel better. The ongoing or recurring discomfort is keeping them[…]
A new client reaches out to you, saying they are suffering with back pain. It has eluded their efforts to feel better. The ongoing or recurring discomfort is keeping them[…]
Some months ago, I met with a new student who’s been recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. She had scheduled a private yoga session to discuss her course of action. From our[…]
Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that is characterized by porous, weakened bones. It usually presents as low bone mass (decrease in bone quantity) and deterioration of the microarchitecture of bones[…]
Some years ago, Gwyneth Paltrow got a lot of grief and ridicule for calling her separation from her then-husband Chris Martin “conscious uncoupling.” I personally think that it’s a very[…]
I was eight years old when the Chernobyl nuclear reactor blew up. We lived very far away from the site, but I remember a lot of commotion among the adults[…]
About ten years ago, I was fascinated with the show Bones, a crime drama that followed the adventures of an FBI agent and a forensic anthropologist. The series was loosely[…]
How often do you think about your bones? Our muscles remind us about themselves when they get sore, our digestive system gets our attention when we get hungry, our circulatory[…]
I am studying Spanish right now, and last week my tutor and I talked about the weather. My tutor, who lives in Spain, confided that she hates hot weather and[…]
A recently published study from the United Kingdom had identified the “sweet spot” for bedtime. The researchers concluded that going to bed between 10 pm and 11 pm lowered the[…]
Every time I am about to fly, I get an upset stomach. It doesn’t matter how far I travel, how early I have to get up, how much work I[…]
I know someone who his colleagues and friends often describe as “a rock.” Everybody knows that he is reliable, consistent, and solid in every sense. But that solidity comes at[…]
In the past, I had a student who would barge into my studio for his private yoga session like a puffing steam engine. He told me that his work was[…]
Ayurveda says that when we pay conscious attention to the choices we make, activities we engage in, and foods we eat, we can restore and maintain the balance of fundamental[…]
Imagine yourself attending a hot yoga class. Your body temperature will increase as you move through the poses (the external quality of heat will increase internal heat). The body will[…]
Growing up in Russia, I was used to people blaming their colds and other maladies on skvoznyak (draft). You would often hear things like: “I had an awful cold last[…]
Last week we established that both Western science and Eastern thought (mainly, Samkhya philosophy) consider energy, matter, and light to be the building blocks of the Universe. Samkhya philosophy also[…]
Some years ago, I taught a yoga series titled Yoga for Your Type; it was based on developing a better understanding of one’s Ayurvedic type and dominant qualities. All of[…]
I love it when Eastern and Western approaches to health and wellness overlap, even if they speak entirely different languages. For example, the Ayurvedic tradition is based on the concept[…]
After a year of keeping our interaction circles and our travel routes intentionally small, we are now starting to venture out into the world, only to discover that our bodies[…]
Our digestive systems are in charge of breaking down food into its basic components, which are then absorbed into the blood and transported throughout the entire body. Food is the[…]